If you have lots of ideas but not a lot of progress happening in your business, this episode is going to help you change that. My guest, Brionna Ned is a self-proclaimed multidimensional misfit with multiple businesses to allow her freedom in entrepreneurship. It’s possible to have it all but it’s not possible to pursue it all at the same time and Brionna shares how she approaches being a multipassionate entrepreneur and the #1 question that will help you make decisions.

In this conversation we cover:

  • The 30,000 ft view of Brionna’s 3 business’s
  • Finding the common thread with all your passions
  • How to identify the one thing to focus on so you can make progress
  • Embracing the evolution of your business as things change


  • Brionna’s Instagram: @https://www.instagram.com/the_everyday_lawyer/
  • Brionna’s Twitter: @BrionnaNed
  • Brionna’s Websites: https://www.theeverydaylawyer.co, https://www.brionnaned.com