“Every successful business owner I have met has leveraged an unbridled confidence. Amanda’s book is your field guide to finding yours.”

Mike Michalowicz, author of Profit First and Clockwork

Why Not You?

An Accidental Entrepreneur’s Guide To Success

Ditch the doubts and embrace your entrepreneurial spirit!

Tap into your courage, take actionable steps, and turn your dreams of starting or growing a business into an exciting reality.

Because when it comes to entrepreneurship, the question isn’t why you, but rather why not you? 

Take A Peek Inside

Chapter 1 | Your Y.O.U. Promise

The key component to a successful business for the Accidental Entrepreneur is you and that’s why I created the Y.O.U. Method to help guide your entrepreneurship journey. By creating your Y.O.U. Promise you will have a strong foundation for your business and a guide, no matter what comes your way.

Chapter 2 | Your Deep-Down-Honest WHY

If you know your deep-down-honest why behind being an entrepreneur, you’ll figure out the how. Uncovering your why is personal and doesn’t have to be shared with anyone but through doing this, you’ll set the strongest foundation for your business.

Chapter 3 | Claim True-To-You Values

You don’t need the “teamwork” poster on your wall, what you need are true-to-you values that you actually live by and that guide your decisions as an entrepreneur and leader. In this chapter you won’t find a list of values to choose from but better yet a process for uncovering the values that are true to you.

Chapter 4 | Define Success On Your Terms

Defining success is a personal journey but it’s critical to define what it means for you as an entrepreneur before others define it for you so that you can stay focused and truly build the life and business of your dreams. This chapter walks you through this process.

Chapter 5 | Identify Your Boundaries

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, by your definition, you have to be willing to learn and implement boundaries for yourself and how you work. This takes time and practice but in this chapter you will find tactical tips on how to do this and inspiration from other entrepreneurs.

Chapter 6 | Find Your People

As much we want to do it all on our own, we need support from others on our entrepreneurship journey so it’s important to find those people who can celebrate with you as well as help you through the tough stuff. In this chapter you’ll find a list of specific people to have in your corner as a entrepreneur and how to find those people and utilize their support.

Chapter 7 | Tap Into Your Strengths

We often focus on what we want to fix about ourselves, especially as entrepreneurs trying to do it all, but it will serve us more if we tap into our natural strengths and allow those to help propel us on this journey. In this chapter you’ll find examples of how to do this and what to do once you know how you work best.

Chapter 8 | Find Financial Confidence

If we didn’t talk about finances, you would just have an expensive hobby on your hands so we have to get clear on finding financial confidence as an entrepreneur. In this chapter you’ll find tactical tools to help support you as you dive into the finances and lots of encouragement along the way too.

Chapter 9 | Set Realistic Goals

In order to actually achieve your definition of success you’ll need to break it down into manageable pieces and the key to doing this well is setting realistic goals, not just goals but realistic ones. In this chapter I’ll share my go-to method of setting and tracking goals that is applicable no matter what systems or tools you prefer in your business.


“A MUST READ for any entrepreneur who wants to build an impact driven business on their own terms. Amanda doesn’t just tell you what you need, she walks you step by step through creating a business that is both impactful and sustainable.”


“I highly recommend this book to anyone who keeps talking themselves out of going for their idea and can’t get out of their own way!”


“You may have fallen into entrepreneurship, but with this book as your guide, you’ll learn how to take steps to grow your brand and create the type of business YOU want to create…on purpose.”


Go From Accidental To Unapologetic

Why Not You? An Accidental Entrepreneur's Guide  To Success
Book Extras

Why Not You Workbook

Instant access to a 30+ page workbook to help you collect your notes and create your Y.O.U. Promise with ease.

Book Club Guide Images

Why Not You Book Club Guide

It’s better together so grab some biz besties and read the book together with this guide filled with discussion questions. 

Amanda McKinney

Hi! I’m Amanda!

A fellow Accidental Entrepreneur who’s been in your shoes devouring books and podcasts while pushing through fear to take action and build my business.

Luckily I developed a personal filter to sift through the noise. Though it wasn’t fancy back then, it did the trick! And now I’ve bundled that filter into my book.

Inside these pages I spill the beans (and share great stories!) on what worked for me. But here’s the best part: it’s all customizable to fit your unique self and style.

When you create your Y.O.U. Promise, you’ll have an unbeatable filter for navigating the wild world of entrepreneurship, twists and all. 

My mission is helping you go from accidental to unapologetic and I’m honored to be on this incredible journey with you. Let’s do this!

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