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How To Repurpose Your Content Into Digital Products

Updated: Jun 24


Article Summary

Want to create digital products but don't know where to start? This conversation with Jill Johnston is just what you need. She explains how you can take what you've already created and repurpose it into digital products that can help you serve your audience in a new way and provide an additional revenue stream in your business.


  • Creating digital products from existing content is a valuable way to repurpose and monetize content.

  • Pricing digital products requires research and consideration of the value provided.

  • Consistently promoting and talking about digital products is essential for success.

**This was also a podcast episode (episode #247). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below.

Ep. 247: [Jill Johnston] How To Repurpose Content & Create Digital Products


Jill stumbled into entrepreneurship without even realizing it, like many of us do. It all started when she had her baby and was faced with the heart-wrenching decision of returning to work after maternity leave. Dropping off her tiny three-month-old at daycare just didn't sit right with her, and it made her reevaluate her priorities. Plus, throw in some unexpected medical scares with her husband, and it was a whirlwind of challenges that led her to question the whole nine-to-five routine.

She was already dabbling in her business as a side gig, helping people with digital products online. But it was these life-changing moments that made her realize she needed more fulfillment and joy outside the traditional work setup. So, she took the leap, started a coaching program, and before she knew it, she was knee-deep in setting up her own business.

Navigating Imposter Syndrome in Entrepreneurship

Jill shares her journey through the challenges of imposter syndrome as she transitioned into entrepreneurship. Despite feeling inadequate compared to other business owners and corporate leaders, Jill found ways to overcome these fears and uncertainties.

  • Imposter Syndrome Challenges: Jill struggled with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, often holding herself back from opportunities.

  • Seeking Support: To combat these challenges, Jill joined mentorship groups and hired a coach, recognizing the value of external guidance.

  • Importance of Finding the Right Fit: Jill's experience emphasizes the significance of finding the right mentorship group and coach tailored to individual needs and business goals.

Becoming Comfortable Sharing Content Online as an Entrepreneur

We talk about the importance of putting out content as an entrepreneur and overcoming the fears and hesitations that often come with it. We discuss the significance of consuming content from others in the industry and how it can guide your own content creation journey.

  • Consume Content: Amanda highlights the value of consuming content from various sources to understand different approaches, values, and teaching styles in the industry.

  • Permission to Block: Jill gives listeners permission to block people they don't want seeing their content, addressing common fears about judgment or criticism from acquaintances.

  • Building Confidence: Both Amanda and Jill emphasize that consistent content creation builds confidence over time, helping entrepreneurs overcome imposter syndrome and fear of judgment.

Image of a goal planner on a desktop table

Letting Go of "Shoulds" and Setting Goals You Care About

We talk about letting go of societal expectations and setting personal goals that align with your values and desires. Also, the importance of recognizing that everyone's goals are different and how comparing oneself to others can be counterproductive.

  • Personal Goals: Jill emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal goals that resonate with your values and aspirations, even if they differ from those around you.

  • Avoiding Comparison: Amanda highlights the negative impact of comparing oneself to others and encourages listeners to prioritize their own journey and happiness.

  • Finding Joy Along the Way: Both Jill and Amanda stress the significance of finding joy not just in achieving goals but also in the journey towards them, making the process fulfilling and rewarding.

Creating Digital Products from Existing Content

Jill shares the strategy of repurposing existing content to create valuable digital products for your audience. She shares how this approach not only helps in maximizing the impact of content but also serves as an additional revenue stream for entrepreneurs.

  • Repurposing Content: Jill emphasizes the potential of repurposing content that may have been underutilized or overlooked. By repackaging it into digital products like ebooks, mini-courses, or workshops, entrepreneurs can reach a wider audience and offer valuable resources.

  • Immediate Value for Clients: Amanda highlights the benefit of digital products in providing immediate value to clients. Unlike traditional coaching or consulting sessions that require scheduling, digital products offer instant access to information and support.

  • Diverse Learning Styles: Both Jill and Amanda discuss the importance of catering to diverse learning styles. By offering content in different formats such as visual guides, videos, or podcasts, entrepreneurs can engage with a broader audience and meet their preferences.

Steps To Create Your Next (Or First) Digital Product

  1. Reflect on Your Content:

  • Use a content audit with prompted questions to analyze your existing content.

  • Reflect on what pieces of your content can be repurposed into a digital product.

  1. Identify Potential Topics:

  • Consider topics or aspects of your expertise that have generated interest or questions from your audience.

  • Look for content areas where you have already created valuable resources or have expertise.

  1. Evaluate Similar Digital Products:

  • Research similar digital products in your niche to understand pricing strategies and what customers are willing to pay for.

  • Determine the value of your content and avoid underselling yourself in the market.

  1. Create Your Digital Product:

  • Compile your content into a structured format suitable for a digital product (e.g., ebook, workbook, mini-course).

  • Design the product with sections or modules that provide value and address specific needs or interests.

  1. Set a Price Point:

  • Consider pricing your digital product appropriately based on market research and the value it offers.

  • Keep in mind that lower-priced offerings may require higher sales volume to meet financial goals.

  1. Implement Sales and Marketing Strategies:

  • Make your digital product easily accessible through online stores or platforms.

  • Develop sales and marketing strategies to promote your product and reach your target audience.

  • Utilize automation tools and systems to streamline the sales process and maximize outreach.

Marketing Your Digital Products

In this section, Jill and Amanda delve into the importance of effectively marketing digital products. They emphasize the need for consistent promotion and strategic placement of these products within the business ecosystem.

  • Consistent Promotion: Jill stresses the value of continuous promotion, highlighting that entrepreneurs should keep talking about their digital products until they feel like they're repeating themselves. This repetition is often necessary for potential customers to take action.

  • Consumer Attention: Amanda brings attention to the reality that consumers may need multiple exposures to a product before making a decision. Whether it's a coaching service or a digital product, engaging content plays a crucial role in guiding customers through the buying journey.

  • Upselling and Add-ons: Both Jill and Amanda discuss the versatility of digital products in upselling and adding value to existing offerings. These products can serve as complementary additions during checkout or as part of bundled packages, enhancing the overall customer experience and revenue potential.

  • Customization and Income Stacking: Jill highlights the flexibility of digital products in terms of customization and income stacking. By tailoring products to specific needs and strategically integrating them into the business model, entrepreneurs can optimize revenue streams and provide added value to their audience.

Take Away Message / Action

Now that you know how to audit your content and create your first or next digital product it's time to make it happen. Follow Jill's steps and make it happen so you can serve your audience in a new way without creating something from scratch.

Until next time give yourself permission to repurpose your content and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon.

About Jill:

First and foremost, I am a wife, mom, and stepmom; we have 3 girls, all involved in their own activities, consuming most of our nights & weekends. I wouldn’t trade it for the world! I am passionate about helping female entrepreneurs take what they’ve created in their businesses and turn that into a digital product that they can use to complement their other offerings and sales. I have over a decade of experience in Sales and Marketing that all started in the corporate world + hustling on the side and I’ve found that most female entrepreneurs are creating content, every day, that is going nowhere other than a social media post or an email campaign, which is why I've created programs to help transform your content to be serving your audience better and making passive income in your business.


Other Resources:

Ep. 247: [Jill Johnston] How To Repurpose Content & Create Digital Products


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