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Image by Vicko Mozara

June 24 - August 23

Summer Accelerator

It's possible to have a slow AND productive summer so you can beat the dreaded...September Scramble!

This program is no longer open for enrollment

This program is low-stress but high-impact! 

Don't Hit Pause On Your Goals This Summer

Summer Progress Accelerator

A 9-week accountability program for people who want to continue to make progress on their goal AND enjoy their summer!

Program Dates: 

June 24th - August 23rd 

👏 ​​Encouragement and Support: You'll have direct access to me for personalized support, plus you'll receive weekly and daily motivational messages to keep you going strong.


📊 Progress Tracking: You’ll share your progress in my new accountability tool on a weekly basis to see real time progress on your goal. 


💬 Private Slack Channel: Access to a supportive community where you can receive daily encouragement and get answers to your questions whenever you need them.

🔄 Connection to Others: Build your network and connect with like-minded individuals who are also striving for progress.

Image by Angelo Pantazis


“I have gotten more accomplished in these last 2.5 months than I have in the last 2.5 years. This accountability group works!”

Everything Is On Your Schedule! 

Image by ShengGeng Lin

Weekly Breakdown

🗓️ Week 1:
Kick off with a live call to identify your goal and plan for the next 9 weeks. Replay available.
(Monday, June 24th at 11am Central) 


🗓️ Weeks 2-8:
Receive weekly pre-recorded pep talks every Sunday, delivered directly to our private Slack channel, so you can stay motivated and inspired on your own schedule.


🗓️ Week 9:
Celebrate your success and progress in a live wrap-up call. Replay available.
(Monday, August 19th at 11am Central) 


Imagine how much progress you can make by the end of August! It’s the perfect way to set yourself up for success and no September Scramble for you! 

Beat The September Scramble This Year!



I absolutely love supporting highly motivated female entrepreneurs achieve their goals! 

I understand that life tends to get in the way of our plans (hello schedule changes!) but that doesn't mean you can't still make progress.

My focus is helping you identify your current capacity so you can set realistic goals, timeframes and actions.


By doing this you feel proud of your progress and know that you did enough. Because that "not enough" feeling is awful and we need to change it! 

You are enough. You've done enough.

And you will achieve your goals! 

Image by Annie Spratt

Not Sure? Watch The Training First

Image by Sincerely Media

This free 15 minute training gives you the step-by-step process to follow to have a slow and productive summer! 


But if you know you need someone else to hold you accountable so you stay focused this summer, the 9-week program was created for you! 

Enrollment closes at 12pm Central on Friday, June 21st. 

This program is no longer open for enrollment

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